A Film by Dan Habib

Executive Producers: Jan Bechtel, Ann Marie Licata, Thomas Neuville

Hundreds of colleges across the U.S. are opening doors to higher education for students with intellectual disability. The 36-minute film “Opening Doors to College” shows how students like Curtis, Janet, Fudia, and Missy are leading this inclusion revolution as they immerse themselves in classes, residential life, extracurricular activities, and the entire college experience at Millersville and Temple Universities. 

If you are interested in obtaining a download of the film, please email us at info@openingdoorstocollege.com

This film was supported by pennsylvania inclusive higher education consortium, which is funded by the u.S. Department of education through the acquisition of a transition and postsecondary programs for students with intellectual disabilities (tpsid) grant.

Opening Doors TO COLLEGE